Amethyst Carnelian Clear Quartz Crystal Orgone Pyramid Spiritual Crystal Protection EMF Protection Spiritual Decor
Amethyst Carnelian Clear Quartz Crystal Orgone Pyramid Spiritual Crystal Protection EMF Protection Spiritual Decor
These Orgonite Pyramids produce an amazing effect!!! The combination of organic and inorganic creates a transmutation effect turning negative ions into positive ones.
Healing Crystals Home Decor create an atmosphere of peace and serenity where ever they are placed. Crystals and healing tones make great anti anxiety items by themselves but combined into orgonite their potential really shines.
Orgone energy generators do not just shield us from physical negativity; they are also a great prosperity protection set
Healing Crystal Pyramids are also a source of good luck and karma luck. Life just flows better with these around.
Orgone healing pyramids make great desk decor, office decor, home decor, room decor, and just overall brighten the mood of anyone who walks by.